APS News Release

Three Wakefield Seniors Earn Full-Tuition Posse Scholarship

Wakefield High School seniors Nicholas Cadby-Spicer, Alana Ceesay and Anderson Escobar were selected to receive a four-year, full-tuition scholarship from the Posse Scholarship Foundation to attend a partnering institution. The awards are worth more than $140,000 each.

Spicer plans to attend Lafayette College. Ceesay plans to attend the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Escobar will attend Bucknell University.

The Posse Scholarship is a leadership and diversity program that started in 1989. Posse Scholars utilize their leadership skills to create a learning environment that is welcoming to students from all backgrounds.

Students are nominated by either their high school counselors or a community-based organization. Students participated in a rigorous selection process, called the Dynamic Assessment Process, from September through December. The process included three rounds of interviews.

At the end of the interview process, each student met with a team of representatives from the college or university of their choice, including the Dean of Admissions, tenured faculty and the school’s president. The students were then selected through collaboration between Posse staff and the partnering institutions.