Superintendent’s Update: Oct. 12, 2022

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Dear APS Families,

As we continue into fall, here are reminders about October recognitions and initiatives, as well as upcoming opportunities to learn more about services and support for our students with disabilities.

Supporting Students with Disabilities: APS is participating in Learning Disabilities Awareness Month in October to raise awareness about the one in five students who learn differently because of Dyslexia, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), or other disabilities. Throughout the month, we are sharing resources and information about Special Education:

Preventing Bullying: During October’s Bullying Prevention Month, students will learn strategies to Recognize, Refuse and Report bullying. We recognize Unity Day on Wed, Oct. 19 to celebrate kindness, acceptance, and inclusion in our schools. I encourage everyone to wear orange that day to send a visible message that no child should ever experience bullying. Importantly, I want to ensure every student feels empowered to stand up for themselves and others – here’s how to report incidents of bullying:

  • If you are concerned that your student is being bullied, share your concerns with your student’s counselor or administrator.
  • Any student, parent/guardian, or school staff may initiate a complaint for themselves or another party by completing the Bully Harassment Incident Form.

Principal Appreciation: October is also National Principal Appreciation Month. While our primary APS principal recognition week takes place in January, this is another opportunity to thank your school’s principal for their leadership in creating safe, supportive schools. Verify Your Information in ParentVUE by October 31: If you haven’t completed the Annual Online Verification Process, now is the time! This ensures we have accurate information for every student. Families needing assistance can contact their school or attend an upcoming Pizza and ParentVUE Night. Learn more. 

Calendar Reminders

  • Oct. 13 – School Board Meeting – Hispanic Heritage Month Recognition of Latinx High School Student Leaders and Administrators
  • Oct. 20 – Elementary Parent-Teacher Conferences (Early Dismissal)
  • Oct. 21 – Elementary and Middle School Parent Teacher Conferences (No School for Elementary and Middle Schools)
  • Oct. 24 – No School, Diwali
  • Oct. 25 – Middle School Information Night (Virtual)

Thank you for your engagement and partnership.


Dr. Francisco Durán
Arlington Public Schools