Superintendent’s June 1, 2022 Update: June Recognitions & Year-End Dates

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Dear APS Families,

I hope you enjoyed the long weekend. Here are a few brief updates and reminders, as we head into the final weeks of school.

June Recognitions: This month APS celebrates National Pride Month to support LGBTQIA+ students and staff and encourage everyone to honor our diverse community. This is part of our strong commitment to ensure APS is a place where all staff, students and families are welcome, valued and respected. View events and information online. We also recognize Immigrant Heritage Month, a time to reflect and honor the contributions that immigrants have made to our community. We celebrate all immigrants and their integral role in the American story.

Year-End Dates: APS looks forward to celebrating the graduating Class of 2022 and all students who are moving toward their next chapter. You can view the High School Graduation and Middle School Promotion schedule online. Mark your calendars for these upcoming dates:

  • June 8– Elementary Early Release for Students
  • June 15– Last Day of High School / Early Release + Elementary Early Release
  • June 16– Last Day of Middle School / Early Release
  • June 17– Last Day of Elementary School / Early Release / Last Day for 10-Month Staff

This is a celebratory time of year as we reflect on all that APS students have accomplished and the great work they’ve done. I wish everyone a strong finish to the school year and appreciate your partnership.

Have a great week.

Sincerely, Dr. Francisco Durán
Arlington Public Schools