APS News Release

Superintendent’s Jan. 26 Update: Virtual Learning During Inclement Weather; At-Home Test Kits; Student Vaccine Verification

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Dear APS Families,

I want to thank you for your ongoing support to keep our schools safe and for adhering to the mitigation measures we have in place during the pandemic. This takes all of us doing our part, and we are grateful for the many ways APS students, staff and families have come together to maintain in-person learning this school year.

Here are a few upcoming calendar reminders, updates and information about plans for virtual learning on inclement weather days:

Mon, Jan. 31, Grade Prep Day (No School for Students): As a reminder, Fri. Jan. 28 marks the end of the 2nd quarter. Monday is a grade prep day, and there is no school for students. Please be aware that our staff will be teleworking on Monday and will monitor emails during normal hours. The Welcome Center and front offices will be closed.

Transition to Virtual Learning During Inclement Weather: Now that we have used the days banked for traditional “snow day” closures this school year, APS will revert to virtual learning on any future inclement weather days requiring us to close our facilities.  Virtual instruction will follow the normal school day schedules and will include a combination of live instruction via Teams and independent (asynchronous) work.

  • View additional information and a parent guide about what to expect and how to prepare for virtual learning on inclement weather days.
  • If virtual learning is not possible during an inclement weather closure due to widespread power outages or other factors, we may need to implement a calendar change later in the school year to make up the missed instructional time. The potential calendar revisions were presented at the Jan. 20 School Board meeting and will only be implemented if needed. Families will receive notice well in advance if any calendar changes are made due to inclement weather decisions.

At-Home Test Kit Distribution:

Last week we received a large shipment of rapid at-home Covid-19 test kits. These kits are in the process of being delivered to our schools for distribution to students, beginning toward the end of this week or early next. We are finalizing a video with step-by-step instructions to accompany the kits. There will be no reporting requirement for students based on their use of the test kit unless they test positive.  If a student tests, positive, they will be asked to inform the main office to start the contact tracing process.

Student Vaccine Verification: As announced last week, we will begin to collect voluntary student vaccine information in anticipation of launching Test-to-Stay and to further support the contact tracing process to reduce any disruption to a student’s education. Families are encouraged to complete student vaccine verification by uploading their documentation and completing the online questionnaire. Access the portal here: https://apsva.iad1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9KMZQzvMK61iJ4GPlease ensure you enter an “S” before your student’s ID number to ensure that their record is updated appropriately. Families who need support can contact our COVID Response Team at covid@apsva.us.

Thank you for your ongoing partnership as students finish the 2nd quarter strong!

Dr. Francisco Durán