Superintendent’s April 20 Update

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Dear APS Families,

I hope you had a safe and restful break! I also hope your students are feeling energized and ready for the final weeks of the school year. Here are a few reminders and updates to help ensure our students have a successful fourth quarter.

Safe Return from Spring Break: We know Spring Break travel and other activities can lead to increased risk of COVID infection as we return, so I urge everyone to be vigilant and practice the recommended steps to maintain safe schools. Arlington’s community COVID levels are now in the “medium” category, which means that masks are recommended indoors for students, staff and visitors. Please help keep our schools as COVID-free as possible by encouraging mask use indoors, as well as monitoring symptoms, keeping students home if they are sick, and participating in COVID testing. View our mask guidance.

Your Voice Matters Survey: The deadline for staff, families and students to complete the Your Voice Matters survey is extended through Sun, April 24. Your feedback is vital to helping improve our services and maintain positive school climates, so please take a few minutes to complete it before the deadline using the link provided by Panorama Education. Responses are confidential.

Eid Calendar Change: The School Board voted on a calendar change moving the Eid holiday from Tue, May 3 to Mon, May 2. This is reflected in the revised calendar online.

I wish you a great final stretch of the school year! Thank you for continuing to help our students achieve their goals and ensure every student is safe, engaged and supported in every way possible.

Sincerely, Dr. Francisco Durán
Arlington Public Schools