APS News Release

Superintendent Appoints Steering Committee of Community Stakeholders and APS Staff to Lead Process for Developing 2018-24 Strategic Plan

Arlington Public Schools announced today the stakeholders appointed by Superintendent Dr. Pat Murphy to the Steering Committee for the 2018-24 Strategic Plan. APS received more than 100 applications to join the Committee and selected 24 people who represent a mix of diverse parent, student, staff, and community perspectives from neighborhoods and schools throughout the County.

The members are active in APS advisory groups, such as the Advisory Council on Instruction, Facilities Advisory Committee, the Teen Network Board, the Special Education Advisory Committee, and the County Council of PTAs, among others. The Committee is charged with leading the process to develop the Strategic Plan, which is scheduled for adoption by the School Board in June 2018.

“Arlington Public Schools reflects the commitment that our community has made to excellence in public education. In bringing together a Steering Committee for the next Strategic Plan, we’re leveraging the expertise and diverse perspectives from people throughout the county who will help map out the strategies and goals that will best serve ALL our students. Thank you to all who expressed interest in serving on this committee and who agreed to be part of this collaborative effort,” said Dr. Murphy.

APS develops a new Strategic Plan every six years, working with a Steering Committee that gathers community input to define goals and strategies that help APS address continuing challenges and chart the course to meet the evolving needs of students. The community will have several opportunities to comment on proposals and provide input to help shape the final plan.

The Committee will be led by Co-chairs Meredith Purple and Ted Black, and will be supported by Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning Tara Nattrass and Executive Director of Planning and Evaluation Lisa Stengle. The group includes teachers and administrators as well as student representatives from the three Arlington high schools.

The first meeting will be held on Mon, Oct. 30 from 7-9 p.m. at Discovery Elementary School. The group will meet regularly during the school year to:

  • Review the mission, vision and core values
  • Develop a framework for the Strategic Plan based on community input
  • Draft a proposed plan with goals, overarching strategies and desired outcomes
  • Seek community feedback on the proposed plan before recommending a plan to the School Board

“I’m excited to help develop the new APS Strategic Plan. I’m energized by the period of change that Arlington schools face right now because it gives our community the chance to create new opportunities for our children,” said Committee Co-Chair Meredith Purple.

For more information about the 2018-24 Strategic Plan and the Steering Committee, and meeting dates, times and locations, visit aps2016.apsva.us/engage/strategic-plan/.