Submit Nominations for APS Employees of the Year by Nov. 30

Is there a teacher, administrator, custodian, food services staff, Extended Day worker or another member of your school whom you’d like to recognize? Arlington Public Schools is requesting nominations for Employees of the Year 2022-23 – including Teacher (T-scale staff: teacher, librarian, guidance counselor, reading specialist or technology specialist), Assistant Principal, and Support Employees (representing all other scales). Any Arlington citizen, APS employee, parent or student may submit a nomination to your school’s principal for consideration. Principals will then review all nominations and open the slate of nominees up to a vote, if needed.

Nomination Process:

    1. Complete the nomination form with a rationale for why your principal should consider this individual as a nominee.
    2. Nominations are due to your principal by 4 p.m. November 30.
    3. Principals will review the nominations and will open up the slate of nominees for a vote, as needed. Each school may advance ONE nominee in each category (one nominee per employment scale, for Support Employee of the Year).

 Nomination forms are due by 4 p.m.November 30, 2022, to your school principal.