Seeking Input on Middle School Boundary Considerations

APS Seeking Community Input
This week, APS held two “Getting Started” community meetings to begin the process of resetting middle School Boundaries.

A new middle school is opening in 2019 at the Stratford site (currently the site of H-B Woodlawn and Stratford program). Boundaries will be changed to:

  • Create a boundary for the new middle school at the Stratford site
  • Relieve crowding at some schools, notably Swanson and Williamsburg
  • Balance enrollment among all six middle schools.

Visit the Middle School Boundary Change webpages for:

There is also an opportunity for the community to provide input as to what boundary change considerations matter most to you and what considerations you want Arlington Public Schools to keep in mind when developing boundary recommendations. Input is being accepted until Wed, Oct. 18. 

For more information about these topics and more, visit, email us at or call 703-228-6310.