APS News Release

School News Roundup — Nov. 15

Yorktown TheaterYorktown faculty Tony Price, Principal Bridget Loft, Mary Ann Mahan and M.D. Calabro channeled their inner zombie to take part in the YHS Theatre production of “ A Zombie Extravaganza.” Yorktown Theatre Director put the call out for additional participants for this production. Additional Yorktown participants include the YHS Cheer and Dance Teams. Be sure to check out this production on Fri, Nov. 15 at 7 p.m. and Saty, Nov. 16 at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. Tickets are $5.

Cigar Box PerformanceOn Nov. 13, Kenmore CTE students participated in the “Learning From This Place: Bringing Arlington to Halls Hill” blues performance and panel discussion. The panel, moderated by Arlington Board Chair Christian Dorsey, centered on the history of race relations in Arlington and featured a panel comprised of former and current African American community residents and educators. Piedmont Blues musician Rick Franklin led the music portion of the evening with student written lyrics as the audience participated in a sing-a-long. The students played the cigar box guitars built in their STEAM class taught by Matthew Cupples. The event was hosted and sponsored by Virginia Hospital Center, the John M. Langston Citizens Association and Virginia Humanities.

PEP Students with Sen. Tim KaineCareer Center PEP Coordinator Micah Stein-Verbit and a PEP student attended a congressional hearing by invitation from Senator Tim Kaine. The hearing focused on the Trump Administration’s delay in issuing a final policy to address the growing epidemic of youth e-cigarette use.

TJ TheaterThomas Jefferson Middle School Theater Company presents Shuddersome: Tales of Poe by Lindsay Price, a vivid theatrical adaptation of some of Edgar Allen Poe’s best known works: “The Tell-Tale Heart,” “The Bells,” “The Oval Portrait”, “The Raven” and “The Masque of the Red Death” come to life on stage!  Specters, ghosts and ghouls come alive in this vivid theatrical adaptation. Poe’s words rise from the page like corpses from the grave. Be careful. Do you hear the tap, tap, tapping?

USS ArlingtonNine sailors from the USS Arlington sailed to Oakridge Elementary School. Their mission, in collaboration with Oakridge students, was to complete four different boat building challenges. Using the design process and armed with resources like aluminum foil, Legos, masking tape, straws, paper, coffee filters, and rubber bands, the crew got to work. The challenges included floating the most mass, creating cost efficient ships, and providing sources of power to move the boats. Some models sank while others soared. Everyone learned to revise and adapt their constructions. And everyone had undeniable fun. The USS Arlington sailed away leaving a cargo of new books for Oakridge’s eager readers. Oakridge fondly wishes our nautical friends fair winds and following seas. Already planning is under way for Oakridge’s next adventure with the crew of the USS Arlington.

Ashlawn SmileAshlawn modeled how to create a “Smile Wall” to support spreading joy and kindness to others as well as the Sandy Hook Promise and Start with Hello Week. The bulletin board displayed kind messages we thought of one another throughout the month of October by recognizing something or someone that made us smile. 🙂

MCM Fun RunOn Oct. 26, the Drew PTA hosted students for the annual Marine Corps Kids Run. Participants joined over 3,000 children from ages 5 -12 in the one-mile run. All runners received a shirt and medal at the finish line. PTA parents did an awesome job of organizing this fun event on a Saturday beyond the walls of Drew.

Long Branch studentsLong Branch 5th graders recently participated in a Young Athletes Program. Young Athletes is a sports play program for children of all abilities done through the Special Olympics.  The program includes activities with music and movement, as well as a simple obstacle course targeting specific gross motor skills.