APS News Release

School Board Vice Chair Tannia Talento to Become a Living Donor

Tannia Talento Jan 2017 (2)At the April 23 School Board meeting, School Board Vice Chair Tannia Talento shared that April is National Donate Life Month (NDLM). In the spirit of the NDLM theme, “Life is a Beautiful Ride,” Talento announced that she will become a living donor. In May, she will undergo surgery to donate a kidney to her sister, who has stage 5 kidney disease. Talento will be out of the office during her recovery and will return on June 18. In compliance with Virginia Code, she will participate in some upcoming meetings remotely.

“I hope my wonderful opportunity to help my sister through her journey in life may inspire you, at the very least, to put that little heart on your driver’s license to become an organ donor,” said Talento, as she took the opportunity to speak about organ donation and NDLM.

National Donate Life Month was established by Donate Life America in 2003. The 2019 NDLM theme was inspired by bicycles as a symbol of progress, renewal, and the moving circle of life, similar to the transplantation process. Organ donation offers hope, a lifesaving opportunity, and healing to recipients and families. Locally there are 2,462 patients waiting for an organ and about 114,000 in the United States.

In closing, Talento said “Thank you for the wonderful opportunity to serve as your School Board member and for providing me support and consideration as I take time from work to give my sister a kidney and embark on this amazing journey.”

To learn more about organ donation, visit the Washington Regional Transplant Community website.