APS News Release

School Board Receives Update on Transportation Services and the 1:1 Digital Device Study

New Name for Drew Model School Presented and Approved

At last night’s School Board meeting, staff presented updates on Transportation Services and the 1:1 Digital Device Phase One Study. The School Board also held a public hearing on the Superintendent’s Proposed FY 2020 Budget and heard comments from dozens of community members regarding proposed reductions and advocating for a fully funded budget.

Transportation Services Update

As part of the Transportation monitoring report, staff shared the latest information staff and student initiatives including:

  • The Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Program for APS staff, which resumed in February 2019 and now includes nearly 600 enrollees including transit riders (36%), walkers (24%), carpoolers (24%) and bikers (15%);
  • Bus Transportation and related Bell Schedules Policy Development, focused on safety, on-time performance, limited ride time and efficiency;
  • County collaboration and Safe Routes to School active projects; and
  • The Bus Transportation Review currently underway to gather community feedback on potential changes to optimize routes and stops for the 2019-20 school year.

1:1 Digital Device Initiative Study

In addition, staff presented the initial findings of phase one of the 1:1 Initiative Study, launched in February with the Friday Institute of NC State University. The School Board requested an external evaluation of APS’s transition from using shared devices to 1:1 devices including impact on instruction and student learning.  Preliminary findings of the surveys and classroom observations include:

  • Devices are being used roughly half of class time and primarily to access content supports, conduct research and produce or present learning products;
  • Colleagues and ITCs have been primary supports for device use; however, lack of resources and direct supports are barriers to effective use; and
  • The majority of teachers, students and staff believe that 1:1 has resulted in positive outcomes.

Additional, survey analysis and phase two follow-up research will be conducted as the study continues and will be used to inform future APS technology and budget decisions.

New Name for Drew Approved: Dr. Charles R. Drew Elementary School

The School Board also received information from the appointed Drew Naming Committee regarding the recommended new name for Drew Model School. The naming committee submitted “Dr. Charles R. Drew Elementary School” as its first recommendation, along with the alternate: Charles Drew Elementary School. Given the process presented and strong support for the name among the committee and through the community survey, the School Board made a motion and voted to approve the name.Additional materials and full presentations are available on BoardDocs.

INFORMATION ITEMS: In addition to Drew naming, the following were presented as information, including several School Board policy proposals and revisions:

  • Special Education Annual Plan
  • The Children’s School Services Agreement
  • Proposed New School Board Policy I-11.6.34 Secondary Course Withdrawal
  • Revisions to School Board Policy J-15.31 Reporting Students Enrolled in Programs
  • Proposed Revisions to School Board Policy I- Addition or Deletion of Courses
  • Proposed School Board Policy G-1.2 Acceptable Use Policy
  • Proposed Revisions to School Board Policies, including B-2.61 Conflict of Interests, G-1.8 Financial Interests, B-3.2 Chair and Vice Chair, B-3.7.30 Legislative Coordinator, and B-8.4 Benefits for School Board Members

Information on all items is available on BoardDocs.


The School Board approved the use of Construction Management at-Risk (CMR) procurement method for the Career Center/Arlington Tech project and directed staff to begin the competitive negotiation selection process.


  • The School Board and Debbie DeFranco, Supervisor of Health and Physical Education, recognized the outstanding performance of Winter athletes from Washington-Lee, Wakefield and Yorktown, including several teams that won state, regional and national competitions.
  • Claremont and Taylor Elementary received recognition for winning the Healthy School Awards Challenge sponsored as part of the Marine Corp. Marathon Kids Run and Sodexho. Both received $1,000 for participation in running and activity.
  • Linda Erdos, Assistant Superintendent of School & Community Relations, retires on April 1st after nearly 19 years with APS and was recognized with a proclamation in honor of her outstanding contributions to APS, the community and public education.


The School Board will hold its next Regular Meeting (2110 Washington Blvd.) on Thu, April 11 at 7 p.m. The agenda will be posted one week before the meeting on BoardDocs.


Several upcoming work sessions to discuss the FY 2020 budget are scheduled in April and May, and will be livestreamed online. The next sessions are April 2 and April 9. The full schedule including County Budget Dates are available on the APS Budget & Finance webpage.


Citizens who want to comment on any items discussed at the School Board meeting should email the Board at school.board@apsva.us or call 703-228-6015. School Board meetings are broadcast live on Comcast Cable Channel 70 and Verizon FiOS Channel 41; live-streamed on the APS website, and re-broadcast on Fridays at 9 p.m. and Mondays at 7:30 p.m. immediately following the meeting. All materials and minutes will be posted to the website at aps2016.apsva.us/schoolboard upon School Board approval at a subsequent meeting.