APS News Release

School Board Selects Firm to Assist with Superintendent Search

The School Board has selected BWP & Associates (BWP) to assist in the national search for a permanent superintendent. BWP is a national executive search firm specializing in the recruitment of top leadership positions in the education field.

The School Board selected BWP from three firms considered (four proposals were initially submitted) in the Request for Proposal (RFP) process, based on its superintendent-placement track record, ability to find a diverse candidate pool and approach to community engagement, among other criteria set forth in the RFP.

“The School Board is committed to finding a highly-qualified leader and we look forward to partnering with BWP on the search process,” said School Board Chair Tannia Talento. “Appointing a new permanent superintendent is the School Board’s most important task, and we intend to engage in a search process that is transparent and inclusive of input from across the community.”

“During the coming weeks, we expect the search firm will meet with our community and gather stakeholder input in a variety of ways to help prioritize desired qualities and develop a profile for the permanent superintendent position,” said Talento. “This will guide the search process and result in the successful appointment of a leader who meets the needs of the Arlington school community and, most importantly, the needs of our students.”

Additional details regarding the search process and timeline are available on the APS Engage page. An initial meeting with BWP is scheduled for December 12, and an update on next steps will be provided at the December 19th School Board meeting.

The selection of BWP for a fee of $45,000 followed an extensive RFP process. The executed Contract between APS and BWP is posted on the Procurement page here, as well as on the updated APS Engage page.