APS News Release

School Board Now Accepting Applications for the ACI, BAC, and FAC Committees for the 2021-22 School Year

The Arlington School Board values input from parents and members of the community as part of the APS decision-making process. That is why the school system has established a network of volunteer advisory committees, each one focusing on a specific subject or topic area from instruction to construction.

The Board is currently seeking individuals to serve as members of School Board advisory councils, including the Advisory Council on Teaching & Learning (ACTL) (formerly ACI), the Budget Advisory Council and the Advisory Council on School Facilities and Capital Programs for the 2021-22 School Year. Information about all APS advisory groups and applications for the groups can be found on the Citizen Advisory Groups webpage.

The Board will appoint new members to two-year terms to fill any vacancies on these Councils. For more information, contact the School Board office at 703-228-6015.