APS News Release

School Board Names Principal of Alice West Fleet Elementary School

Jennifer GildeaThe School Board appointed Jennifer Gildea as the Principal of Alice West Fleet Elementary School. Gildea currently serves as the Assistant Principal of Arlington Traditional School (ATS).

Gildea brings 16 years of experience in education. She began her teaching career as a special education and sixth grade general education teacher at Frederick County Public Schools in Virginia. In 2012, Gildea joined Arlington Public Schools as a teacher at ATS and since 2018 she has been serving as the assistant principal at ATS.

Gildea holds a master’s degree in Educational Leadership from the University of Cincinnati and a Bachelor’s degree in both Elementary Education and Spanish Education from Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania.

“Ms. Gildea is a strong leader with a passion for fostering professional growth for teachers and creating opportunities for all students and staff to thrive,” said Superintendent Dr. Francisco Durán. “She shares the Alice West Fleet Elementary School community’s dedication to developing a culture of respect and inclusivity, while providing a safe, academically challenging, and welcoming environment with high expectations for all.”

To consistently increase student achievement, Gildea acknowledges that students’ social-emotional needs must be met for students to achieve academically. She will focus on teacher growth that is planted in support, encouragement, and appreciation. Her desire will be to do her best for teachers and know that the teachers will do their best for students.

Lastly, Gildea will focus on deepening relationships with the school community by providing access, engagement, and involvement opportunities. As the third year of the pandemic begins, community building is essential and must be developed and nurtured because it is necessary for the school’s success. As an administrator, she has been able to navigate the ever-changing challenges of the pandemic and a school move and believes she will be able to bring a community together that heals and collaborates to meet the needs of each student.

Gildea’s appointment is effective on Feb. 4.