APS News Release

School Board Member Reid Goldstein to Host Open Office Hours

School Board Member Reid Goldstein will host the final virtual Open Office Hours for this school year on Mon, June 11 from 5 – 7 p.m. Open Office Hours are not held over the summer. The schedule for the 2021-22 school year will be posted in late August on the Open Office Hours web page.

Before Open Office Hours:

During Open Office Hours:

  • Participants will have 2 minutes to address the Board member
    • At the end of the 2 minutes, the individual meeting will end so that the Board member can move on to the next participant
  • Participants are expected to be courteous, respectful, and mindful of the 2-minute timeframe.  If a participant is disruptive, it may be necessary for the Board member to end the meeting early

After Open Office Hours:

  • Participants are welcome to share their comments in writing by sending them to board@apsva.us. A copy of remarks will be distributed to all Board members.

Please contact the School Board Office at 703-228-6015 or school.board@apsva.us if you have any questions.