School Board Meeting February 16, 2023

Minutes for the February 16, 2023 Closed Meeting and School Board Meeting

For closed captions, click the “CC” button in the bottom toolbar of the video window once the meeting starts (if you don’t see the toolbar, click once in the video window).

Meeting Agenda:

Agenda Item In Time
Closed Meeting Opening 0:00:00
Closed Meeting Closing 1:43:38
Opening: Call to Order; Presentation of Colors: Arlington Career Center Space Force JROTC Cadets Corps 1:44:35
Recognition: National Board Certified Teachers and Clerk’s Appreciation Week 1:46:33
Consent Items & Appointments 1:56:30
Announcements: Board Members and Superintendent’s Announcements and Updates 1:57:40
Public Comment on Agenda and Non-Agenda Items 2:40:14
Monitoring Item: 1. FY 2023 Mid-Year Fiscal Monitoring Report 2:40:14
Information Item: 1. Campbell Elementary School Kitchen and Entrance Renovations Construction Contract Award 3:25:11
Information Item: 2. Revisions to School Board Policies D-1.33 Community Activities Fund, D-1.31 Financial Management-Budget Savings, D-2.30 Financial Management-General, D-2.31 Financial Management-Revenue Sharing, D-2.33 Financial Management-Additional County Revenue, D-2.34 Financial Management-Reserve Funds, D-2.35 Financial Management-Budget Direction, D-2.36 Financial Management-Budget Development, D-9 Internal Audit, and J-14 Student Fees, Fines and Charges 3:36:33