APS News Release

School Board Approves New Organizational Structure for Department of Human Resources

The Arlington County School Board approved the reorganization of the Department of Human Resources at its Sept. 30 meeting. The purpose of the reorganization is to improve operational efficiencies within the department and the organization. The last major reorganization within the department took place in FY2017; however, the model is no longer effective to ensure quality customer service to internal and external stakeholders. With this new organizational structure, the department will be able to establish more HR driven metrics to drive organizational decisions coupled with improving responsiveness to stakeholder regarding HR related matters.

As a result of the reorganization, the Office of Talent Acquisition and Management will have two directors – one for licensed staffing and one for classified/non-licensed professional staffing. The licensed staffing will continue to have two coordinators whereas the classified/non-licensed professional staffing will have one coordinator. More details regarding the reporting structure can be found on the new organizational chart.

Other key changes within the Department of Human Resources entails the renaming of the Office of Employee Relations to the Office of Human Resources Operations. The current Office of Employee Relations is responsible for investigations, accommodations, administrative leave, benefits, payroll, and classification to name a few areas. All the functions are operational functions within human resources. As part of the renaming of the office, the creation of a classification and position management coordinator will be able to assist with classification and reclassification of positions coupled with improving position control in conjunction with the Department of Finance and Management Services.

The current Office of Employee Assistance Program (EAP) will be under the Office of Human Resources Operations under the new model.

The current Office of Professional Learning will remain the same with no changes.

With the new organizational structure, the assistant superintendent, human resources, will have four directors, one HRIS administrator, and two ERP analysts reporting directly to the incumbent.

While the new structure has been approved, HR will continue to transition employees and offices to their respective areas over the next month. The following positions will be advertised on Frid, Oct. 1: coordinator, classification and position management; coordinator, talent acquisition, classified/non-licensed staffing; and employment specialist.