APS News Release

School Board Approves Contract Renewal for Superintendent Dr. Patrick Murphy

At the meeting on June 29, the Arlington School Board voted 3-2 to approve the renewal of Superintendent’s contract through the 2020-21 school year.

School Board Chair Nancy Van Doren praised the progress that has been made under his leadership, stating “I strongly support Dr. Murphy’s contract renewal. He has gotten the job done and laid the plans for going forward.” She continued, “I believe we can close the achievement gap, strengthen our caring and support for staff and students, and communicate and embrace our community as we continue to constantly improve APS in this era of intense growth and change.”

Ms. Van Doren highlighted several positive trends during Dr. Murphy’s tenure:

  • 91% of students graduate, an increase from 82.5% in 2008. The dropout rate has decreased by 52%.
  • 68% of students earn an advanced diploma, an increase of 7% since 2008.
  • 93% of graduates plan to attend college.
  • 78% of middle school students take an Algebra course, a 26% increase.
  • Foreign language has expanded to all elementary schools.
  • 82% of teachers have advanced degrees and more than 10 years of experience.
  • 90% of parents give an A or B grade in community satisfaction surveys.

Dr. Murphy expressed his appreciation to the Board, stating “I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to continue our important work to provide the best learning opportunities for Arlington’s children. I feel fortunate to work in a community like Arlington that values and is passionate about the importance of public education as a key component to fulfilling the American Dream for all students.”

Additional details on the school division’s achievements are available in annual reports posted to the APS website.