APS News Release

School Board Appoints Shriver Program Principal

Shriver PrincipalThe Arlington School Board appointed Dr. George Hewan as Principal of the Eunice Kennedy Shriver Program at its Aug. 26 meeting. Dr. Hewan is currently an assistant principal at W.T. Woodson High School in Fairfax.

Dr. Hewan has 16 years of experience as a public-school educator. He began his educational career in 2005 as a resource specialist and served in various roles as a special education teacher in Loudoun, Prince William and Fairfax counties from 2006 to 2016. He holds two master’s degrees from George Mason University and earned his doctorate in Educational Leadership in 2016.

“Dr. Hewan is an outstanding leader and passionate, dedicated student advocate,” said Superintendent Dr. Francisco Durán. “Dr. Hewan has extensive experience teaching special education in a variety of schools, serving as an administrator, advocating for special education programs and students, and running Extended School Year programs. His experience will serve Shriver students and the Shriver community well.”

During the summers of 2019, 2020 and 2021, Dr. Hewan served as principal of the Extended School Year program for Fairfax County Public Schools. Currently, he is also an Affiliate Professor in the Counseling and Special Education Departments at Virginia Commonwealth University and has authored three children’s books.

He starts his new position on September 2.