APS News Release

School Board Appoints New Director of Transportation, Two Assistant Principals

School Board Appoints New Director of Transportation, Two Assistant Principals The Arlington School Board approved the appointment of Angel Garcia-Ablanque as the new Director of Transportation. Garcia-Ablanque brings a wide range of experience to the Transportation position. Most recently, he has served for six years as the Assistant Director of Transportation for Montgomery County Public Schools. In Montgomery, Garcia-Ablanque’s areas of responsibility have included oversight of all repair and maintenance of the bus fleet and supervision of the bus driver safety and training program. He also spearheaded efforts in Montgomery Transportation to map and improve all processes. The Montgomery County Public Schools Director of Transportation noted Garcia-Ablanque’s strength in the area of continuous improvement, and particularly highlighted his ability to form productive relationships throughout the school division as an even greater strength. Garcia-Ablanque impressed the committee by demonstrating that same balance between a solid knowledge of the logistics of running a Transportation Department and an understanding of the importance of transparency and positive relationships on driver morale. Garcia-Ablanque holds a master’s degree in business administration, two undergraduate degrees in business administration and administration/marketing, and is currently working towards a master’s degree in “Secondary Education – Equity & Excellence in Education.” His appointment begins June 1. In addition, the Board appointed Jessica Kingsley as an assistant principal at Barrett Elementary School and Dante Hicks as an assistant principal at Williamsburg Middle School. Both assistant principal appointments begin July 1.