APS News Release

School Board Appoints Director of Teaching and Learning

Sarah Putnam, Director of Teaching and LearningThe School Board named Sarah Putnam as the interim Director of Teaching and Learning. Putnam is currently the Supervisor of Mathematics.

“With her experience as a classroom teacher, mathematics coach, and mathematics supervisor, Sarah brings the knowledge and understanding needed for this new instructional leadership role as Director of Teaching and Learning. Her perspective and knowledge as a classroom leader, combined with her expertise in providing resources for teachers, principals and instructional staff, has prepared Sarah to take on this expanded leadership role to strengthen our instructional team,” said Superintendent Dr. Pat Murphy.”

The Director of Teaching and Learning is a new position that manages the curriculum development and academic achievement programs of APS and all subject matter-specific curriculum coordinators.

Putnam brings 18 years of experience in education to the position. She joined APS in 2002 as a classroom teacher at Arlington Traditional School. She went on to be the mathematics coach at Hoffman-Boston Elementary School for several years and then the Elementary Mathematics Specialist for the Department of Instruction. For the last three years, she has served as the Supervisor of Mathematics.

Putnam earned a Bachelor of Science from Syracuse University and a Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Virginia and a Master of Education in Educational Leadership from George Mason University.She has certifications in Administration and Supervision (PreK–12); Math Specialist for Elementary and Middle Education; Middle Education (6-8): Mathematics; Elementary Education (PreK–6); Emotional Disturbance, Intellectual Disabilities, and Specific Learning Disabilities (K–12).

Her appointment is expected to begin August 18.