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Using Seesaw

This video provides an overview of Seesaw: a student-driven digital platform, and how this tool is being used by grades pre-k through 5, to engage students and strengthen the home-school connection specifically during this time of distance learning. More information with directions on how to log-in to Seesaw from home will be added soon.

Using Canvas

This video was created for students and parents, by the Office of Enterprise Solutions in Arlington Public Schools. It provides an overview of Canvas, Arlington’s Learning Management System, from a web browser view. Learn how to know where to find what to do, when it’s due, how you did, and how to ask for help, via various tools in Canvas. Overview includes: managing Account, using the Dashboard, Calendar, To Do list, finding feedback, and ways to communicate with a Teacher via Canvas.

Activities and Athletics

This video was created by the Office of Health, Physical and Driver Education & Athletics in Arlington Public Schools. It provides a brief overview of the programs and services available during this time of distance learning that extend outside of the instructional day. This video will share information on clubs, activities and athletics. It will be updated as more information becomes available.