Parade at Drew Highlights Character Traits

Dr. Charles R. Drew Elementary students and staff held their Quarter 1 Project-Based Learning (PBL) Showcase on November 3. A parade through the Green Valley community highlighted student work that had been completed throughout the first quarter. The work showed students’ understanding of the school-wide driving question: How can I use Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports (PBIS) character traits to show Drew pride?

PBIS is an evidence-based framework used by schools to improve school culture and student behavior, promoting a safe environment for learning. It focuses on positive behaviors and traits. Students worked with their teachers to choose a character trait, then teachers planned curriculum-based lessons that integrated their chosen trait. For a final product, students were given a choice of how to best represent the trait they had been researching. They then shared it with the school and the Green Valley community during the parade.

Students used the school’s STEAM Lab to work together to complete their showcase items. Students used the recycled materials, their iPads, and other tools to represent the traits: TRUSTWORTHINESS, RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY, FAIRNESS, CARING, CITIZENSHIP.

Each quarter, grade level teams collaborate to devise a Driving Question that frames all content areas taught during the quarter. During this planning time, lessons are developed, alongside the STEAM Coordinator and the Technology Coordinator, on how the STEAM Lab can be utilized as an extension of the classroom. These lessons incorporate parts of the lab including 3D printers, maker materials, Virtual Reality equipment, a green screen studio, and robotics. This robust approach allows students to have real-life, hands-on experiences that make the curriculum come to life.