APS News Release

Open Office Hours for School Board Member Reid Goldstein

School Board Member Reid Goldstein will host virtual Open Office Hours on Mon, Dec. 7 from 5:30-7:30 p.m.

Mr. Goldstein will hold an open meeting using Microsoft Teams where community members are welcome to share their comments and concerns with the Board. Click here to join the virtual meeting. For assistance using Microsoft Teams visit https://aps2016.apsva.us/digital-learning/digital-learning-device-help/teams/.

  • There is no sign up form
  • Community members will be accepted into the meeting as they join between 5:30-7:30 p.m.
  • Participants will be called to share their comments on a first-come, first-served basis; meaning in the order in which they log in to the meeting
  • Participants will have 2 minutes to address Mr. Goldstein
  • Please try to be concise with your comments to allow all participants an opportunity to speak
  • Out of courtesy to others, please limit your comments  to your 2 minute window

​​​​​​​If a community member prefers a private conversation with Mr. Goldstein regarding a confidential matter, call 703-228-6015 or email school.board@apsva.us and include your name, phone number, and reference Open Office Hours. Mr. Goldstein will call individuals at his earliest availability.

The upcoming schedule for Open Office Hours is posted on the Open Office Hours webpage. Please contact the School Board Office at 703-228-6015 or school.board@apsva.us if you have any questions.