APS News Release

Oct. 18 Engage Updates: Your Voice Matter Survey Results; Community Input on Boundary Proposal; Middle and High School Info Nights

YVM-ishare2-01 (002)Countywide Results from the 2018 Your Voice Matters Survey
APS and the Arlington Partnership for Children, Youth and Families (APCYF) have published countywide results from the first Your Voice Matters survey at aps2016.apsva.us/your-voice-matters. APS and APCYF partnered in Spring 2018 to gather insight from APS stakeholders on areas of mutual importance and deepen understanding of youth and family well-being. More than 12,000 respondents, including APS families, students in grades 5-12, staff and teachers answered questions about safety (school and community climate), health and well-being, voice, and engagement. Results from this biannual survey will be used to inform work across both the school division and the County, and the data provides APS with new benchmarks for measuring progress with stakeholders on the 2018-24 Strategic Plan. School results from this survey will be available in early 2019.

APS Seeks Community Input on the Fall 2018 Elementary School Boundary Proposal by October 29
APS is working this fall to create an attendance zone for the new Fleet Elementary School and balance enrollment by adjusting boundaries at Abingdon, Barcroft, Drew, Fleet (Henry), Hoffman-Boston, Long Branch, Oakridge, and Randolph. Following the presentation of the refined boundary proposal at the October 17 “What We Heard” Community Meeting, community members are asked to send questions and comments to engage@apsva.us by October 29. Information on this initiative is available at aps2016.apsva.us/elementary-school-boundary-change/, including boundary proposal maps and data tables, the presentations and livestream broadcasts of the community meetings and School Board Work Sessions on this topic, a handout with a community engagement schedule, and more.

Upcoming Middle School and High School Information Nights
Two upcoming information sessions will be held for families of students entering middle school and high school in the fall of 2019. These will provide an overview about APS secondary schools, the registration process, school options and transfers, application deadlines and procedures, school information sessions, available resources, and more. Middle School Information Night will be held 7-9 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 22, and High School Information Night will be held 7-9 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 29; both sessions will take place at Washington-Lee High School (1301 N. Stafford St.). For information about school options, visit aps2016.apsva.us/school-options/.