APS News Release

Nov. 29 Engage Updates

November 27 – Elementary Boundaries Option 6-1 & Public Hearing
On Tuesday, staff presented an overview of a revised version of Option 6 (labeled 6-1) before the start of the Public Hearing. Several speakers identified some errors in the data so staff has gone back to thoroughly review Option 6-1. Staff has confirmed that errors were made and revised version of 6-1 is being finalized and will be posted online and shared with families via APS School Talk tomorrow, November 30. Check for the most recent boundary recommendations, maps, corrected data tables and community input on the Fall 2018 Elementary School Boundary Process at aps2016.apsva.us/elementary-school-boundary-change/.

December 4 – Elementary Boundaries School Board Work Session, 7 p.m.
To provide School Board members time to review the revised option and consider the input that has been received from the speakers and comments received through “Engage with APS,” a final work session will be held next Tuesday, Dec. 4, at 7 p.m. in the Board Room at the Syphax Education Center. The Dec. 4 work session also will be available by livestream online. 

Dec. 6 School Board Meeting will Include Vote on Elementary School Boundaries and Grandfathering
At the Dec. 6. School Board meeting, the School Board will adopt final boundaries to take effect in September 2019 for Abingdon, Barcroft, Drew, Henry (Fleet), Hoffman-Boston, Long Branch, Oakridge and Randolph. To view maps, corrected data tables, community input and more from this boundary process, visit aps2016.apsva.us/elementary-school-boundary-change/. The meeting will begin at 6 p.m. on the second floor of the Syphax Education Center (2110 Washington Blvd.); please note the earlier start time to allow for any additional public commentary. Speakers can sign-up by completing the speaker form online, and the meeting can be viewed online or on AETV Comcast Channel 70 or Verizon FiOS Channel 41.