APS News Release

Northern Virginia District Council of PTAs Announced the 2021-22 Reflections Winners

Last week, the Northern Virginia District Council of Parent Teacher Associations (PTAs) announced the 2021-22 Reflections contest winners at the district level.

Reflections is a nationwide contest and arts promotion program that encourages students to create works in dance choreography, film production, literature, musical composition, photography, and visual arts, based on a common theme. This year’s theme was “I Will Change the World By…”  All students from prekindergarten through 12th grade are eligible to enter.

The top winner from each category and age division is selected as “Outstanding Interpretation of the Theme” and will go on to compete in the State of Virginia PTA contest.

PTA Reflections Winners

  • Cate LaGarde, Thomas Jefferson Middle School (dance choreography)
  • Helena Connel, Yorktown High School (film)
  • Evelyn Rives, Wakefield Middle School (literature)
  • Ani Veeraraghaven, Swanson Middle School (literature)
  • Vivian Alvarado, Wakefield High School (photography)
  • Samantha Wong, Swanson Middle School (photography)

Arlington County PTA Reflections Ceremony
As a reminder, the Arlington County Reflections Ceremony will now be a Pre-Recorded Virtual Awards Ceremony which will air on Fri, Feb. 4, starting at 7:20 p.m. The Ceremony can be viewed on the APS YouTube Channel and AETV (Xfinity Cable Channel 70 and Verizon FiOS Channel 41).
There will be a pre-show showcasing the visual art and photography submissions starting at 7:20 p.m. followed by the awards ceremony beginning at 7:30 p.m.