APS News Release

May Is Bike Month! Go the Distance, from a Distance

BTSD_2020_graphic-1-300x113Did you know that May is Bike Month? Since its inception in 2012, APS has participated in the annual Bike, Walk and Roll to School Day which takes place the first Wednesday in May and provides an opportunity for communities across the country to celebrate active transportation by biking and walking to school.

Unfortunately, there is no Bike, Walk and Roll to School Day this year since we can’t gather in our communities or at school as we normally would. However, we can still use this time to focus on safety, fun and the great health, environmental, community-building and transportation benefits of biking.

Throughout Bike Month, APS Safe Routes to School will be offering ideas, resources and tips to help you do just that. Though not every option applies to every neighborhood and need, we encourage you to pick the ones that make sense for your area and that comply with APS, local and state public health guidance. Visit the APS Safe Routes to School webpage and follow @APSsaferoutes for your recommended daily dose of Bike, Walk and Roll to School Day.

Please help continue the strong sense of community that makes Bike, Walk and Roll to School Day so powerful by sharing ideas and posting your photos on Twitter using the hashtag #APSBikes2020. Let’s go the distance, from a distance by riding together, apart.