APS News Release

March 10 Update on Secondary Instructional Planning for COVID-19

Dear Secondary Families (Grades 6-12),

As previously communicated, APS is preparing to ensure all students have access to instructional materials in the event of a potential school closure due to coronavirus (COVID-19). As part of our planning for instruction, we want you to be aware of the following steps being taken:


  • Middle and high school students have access to a device and should utilize the device to stay engaged with teachers, assignments and learning activities.
  • Instructional Technology Coordinators (ITCs) are gathering real time information regarding students’ ability to access the internet from home and will provide information to APS’ Information Services staff regarding students’ need for mobile hot spots.


  • Teachers are able to access resources and directions provided by Department of Teaching and Learning content supervisors for all content areas and will develop learning activities connected to Virginia Standards of Learning that will reinforce students’ proficiency with fundamental skills and knowledge.
  • Students enrolled in virtual courses will continue to progress through their course work and parents will continue to be supported in the process of serving as proctor for assessments.

Some general instructional guidelines follow:

  • Learning activities will be based on Virginia Standards of Learning and will solely be for the purpose of maintaining or extending students’ existing skill sets and knowledge. There will be no expectation that these assignments be submitted or graded.
  • Teachers will post learning activities to Canvas daily or provide up to 10 days of activities to be available to students at once.
  • Teachers will expect that students will access these asynchronously.

 Special Education

  • In the event Arlington staff determine a school(s) will be closed for an extended period time, IEP teams will use student performance data to determine make-up services. Case carriers will collaborate with classroom teachers and related service providers to modify assignments and activities as appropriate for students. The Office of Special Education staff will work directly with teachers to identify activities for students should schools be closed for any length of time.

We are continuing to focus on prevention to keep our school community healthy and reduce the possible spread of illness. At the same time, these steps are underway to prepare in the event a closure is necessary, based on guidance from health officials. For the latest information, please visit the COVID-19 webpage on the APS website.

We appreciate your support and cooperation in this community-wide effort.


Cintia Z. Johnson
Interim Superintendent