APS News Release

Kindergarten Registration & Pre-K/Elementary Options Application Information


Families are currently able to register Kindergarten students for the 2022-23 school year.

Ways to register:

As a follow-up to Kindergarten Information Night this past January, all APS elementary schools will host a virtual school-based information session in February and March. During the sessions, families will meet school staff, learn about the school, and engage in a Q&A session. 

Pre-K/Elementary Options

Families interested in attending an option school or program must apply online. The application period begins Feb 1 at 4 p.m. and end on April 15 at 4 p.m.Information on applying to option schools/programs and the application process timeline is available on the school options webpage.

For questions about the registration process or Pre-K and elementary option schools and programs, please contact the APS Welcome Center at 703-228-8000 or schooloptions@apsva.us.