January 2022 Newsletter

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DEI Strategy

In addition to the vision and mission statements, DEI has created a strategy statement to ensure actionable measures. DEI Strategy: Through strategic initiatives and partnerships, policy review and stewardship, our efforts are championed to ensure we support an educational organization where our growth is reflected in our staff, students, and community members.

SEL Welcoming Activities

Welcoming activities are an interactive and engaging way to build community in your classroom or in your meetings. Here are a few activities for you to utilize in your practice.Your challenge: Try one, share one.

What We’re Reading: DEI participates in a book study every 6 weeks to deepen our knowledge and sharpen our skills. We encourage you to read along with us.

  • Now reading: My Time to Speak by Ilia Calderón
  • Reading Next: The Person You Mean to Be: How Good People Fight Bias by Dolly Chugh

Blind Spots: Challenge Assumptions

Watch this short video about blind spots created by Price Waterhouse Coopers.Blind spots exist, what are your blind spots? Our brains are wired to make assumptions, which can sometimes be off base. We think it’s an honest mistake, science calls it a blind spot. After watching the video, what will you do to challenge your own blind spots?

Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Please take a moment to read the message about the MLK holiday from Dr. Ottley.

Arlington County has multiple ways to get involved in Volunteer Arlington’s MLK Day of Service on Monday, January 17, 2022. We hope you will make it a “day on” in service of our local community. Tune in: https://arlingtonparks.us/mlk-tribute/