APS News Release

In-Person School Board Meetings Update

Beginning on March 11, the regular School Board Meetings will be conducted in-person, with strictly limited attendance. (Work sessions and other meetings will continue to be held virtually.)

In order to meet safely, the Board will take all necessary steps to protect the community, staff, and Board members as they conduct public business. This includes adjusting meeting procedures to comply with health and safety guidelines. For the in-person School Board meetings, Public Comment on Agenda and Non-Agenda items will continue to be heard at the beginning of the meeting and will be limited to 1 hour.

At each meeting, the Board will hear from a maximum of 30 speakers and each speaker will have up to 2 minutes to comment. A maximum of 15 speakers will be allowed to comment in person and the remaining slots will be given to call-in speakers. All speakers must sign up in advance and indicate whether they want to speak in person or to call in to the meeting. A lottery process will continue to be used to select speakers if more requests than available slots are received.

The Board will continue to refine plans going forward to allow as much public participation in meetings as possible, and appreciates the community’s patience as procedures are adjusted.  Additional information will be posted at  https://aps2016.apsva.us/school-board-meetings/sign-up-to-speak/