Historical Markers Visits the Saegmuller Mansion

In this week’s episode of Historical Markers, Washington-Lee biology teacher Dawn McCoart talks about the Saegmuller family and their contributions to the Arlington community.

Throughout Arlington history, immigrants have been involved in our community in several meaningful ways. One such immigrant was George Nicholas Saegmuller. He arrived in Arlington from Germany at age 23.  Saegmuller was an inventor and manufacturer of scientific instruments. Right down the road is the home of George’s son John who continued his father’s work and made optical instruments. His father’s company eventually merged with another business to become, Bausch and Lomb, a successful optical company which still operates today. In addition to their optical business, John and his brothers operated a successful dairy farm in this location.

Watch this short video about Saegmuller Mansion and use #APSHistoricalMarkers to respond to and ask questions about their history. The Historical Markers video series, produced by APS, highlights just a few of the more than 80 historical markers highlighting important sites in Arlington’s past to engage students in learning about local history.

For more information about the videos, visit https://aps2016.apsva.us/aetv/historical-markers-video-series.