APS News Release

Historical Markers Season 2 Debuts with Elizabeth and Edmund Campbell Avenue

Historical Markers Campbell Ave.Season two of Historical Markers debuts with Shirlington’s Campbell Avenue. Named after Arlington residents Edmund and Elizabeth Campbell, the street is the entrance to Shirlington Village.

The Campbells worked for social justice in Arlington and in Virginia. An Arlington School Board member, Elizabeth became the first woman in the Commonwealth of Virginia elected to serve on a School Board. Edmund was the lead attorney in a case challenging Virginia’s massive resistance law which tried to keep African American students from attending certain schools.

Watch this short video about the Campbells and use #APSHistoricalMarkers to respond to and ask questions about their history. The Historical Markers video series, produced by APS, highlights just a few of the more than 80 historical markers highlighting important sites in Arlington’s past to engage students in learning about local history.

For more information about the videos, visit https://aps2016.apsva.us/aetv/historical-markers-video-series.