APS News Release

Historical Markers Features Henry Wright Park

Henry Wright ParkIn this week’s episode of Historical Markers, Superintendent Dr. Pat Murphy takes viewers to Henry Wright Park.

Henry Wright Park, located in the heart of the Buckingham Community, was named in honor of Henry Wright, the chief architect who designed the Buckingham Village Garden Apartments.  Wright’s idea was to create a community of apartments on a landscaped property to look like a continuous park. He also planned a shopping center in the community to make it seem like a small village. Although there have been changes and new complexes in the area, the Buckingham apartments continue to attract Arlingtonians who have moved here from all over the world.

Watch this short video about Henry Wright Park and use #APSHistoricalMarkers to respond to and ask questions about their history. The Historical Markers video series, produced by APS, highlights just a few of the more than 80 historical markers highlighting important sites in Arlington’s past to engage students in learning about local history.

For more information about the videos, visit https://aps2016.apsva.us/aetv/historical-markers-video-series.