Friday 5 for February 18, 2022

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APS all stars logo
1. First Five APS
All Stars Announced!

APS is excited to announce the first APS All Stars, selected out of over 200 outstanding staff nominees! These individuals demonstrate excellence in collaboration, equity, inclusivity, integrity, innovation and stewardship. They are teachers and the members of the APS team who are the first to pitch in, who bring a positive attitude to their work, and go above and beyond to serve students.  

  • Mariflor Ventura, Bus Attendant
  • Claire Peters, Principal, Innovation Elementary
  • James Sample, Teacher, Washington-Liberty High School
  • Christina Smith, Teacher, Yorktown High School
  • Guillermo Moran, Maintenance Supervisor, Randolph Elementary Congratulations to these individuals.

Read more about what makes them shine.
Nominate an APS All Star today!

mask guidance graphic with mask photo
2. APS Mask Update

At the Feb. 17 School Board meeting, the Superintendent presented updates to the APS mask policy and guidance moving forward, based on the current CDC guidance and health metrics. The mask requirement remains in place at this time based on the level of transmission in Arlington. Beginning March 1, in accordance with Senate Bill 739, families who wish for their students not to wear a mask in school will be able to opt out. Additional details will be communicated next week.

student drawing on white board
3. VIDEO Roundup
: Elementary Math in Action, MLK Winners and Halls Hill

  • Math in Action: APS elementary students are engaging in Math Workshop lessons that are interactive and fun! Math coaches and teams are working together to create positive math communities with a focus on student growth. Watch this video showing Randolph Elementary students and teachers at work. 
  • MLK Literary and Visual Arts Contest Winners: Watch MLK contest winners share their art and the famous quotes that inspired their winning entries. 
  • Halls Hill: Throughout February, APS is celebrating Black History Month. We are celebrating the history of our schools in a four-part video series, “Halls Hill,” recognizing one of Arlington’s oldest neighborhoods. This week, we show you how the churches of Arlington brought the community together.

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4. APS Begins Bell Study

APS has begun a project to review the school bell schedules, start and end times, and instructional minutes across schools. The goal is to maximize instructional time and reduce the variations in start and end times to operate more efficiently. This study will result in proposed changes to school start and end times that will be presented to the School Board in late April and voted on in May. Visit our website to learn more.

3 students holding cards about kidness
5. APS Celebrates Kindness Week

Today wraps up APS Kindness Week! Events took place division-wide to celebrate kindness. Campbell Elementary School is celebrating APS Kindness Week through its Upstanders Club – the school’s No Place for Hate student group for 4th and 5th-grade students. In January, the Upstanders Club began nominating peers who are especially kind and helpful for the”Be the ‘I’ in Kind” campaign. In all, 23 nominations were received! Students had their photos taken in front of the giant poster, were given a postcard and a small award.

Other News & Notes