Friday 5 for October 21, 2022

Friday 5 header image

wall of jars
1. School Spotlight: Dream Jars at Glebe Elementary

At Glebe Elementary School, each year begins with a school-wide art installation. The Glebe art team, Lynn Westergren and Stacey Lewis, conceived this year’s project based on an illustration in the book Maybe, by Kobi Yamada, that shows a collection of mason jars filled with treasures. Each Glebe student filled a “jar” with representations of their hopes, dreams, discoveries and journeys. The hallway outside the art rooms is filled with hundreds of jar-shaped drawings keeping safe the treasures of our amazing Glebe students.   

green check mark
2. Bond to Improve School Infrastructure on November Ballot

On Election Day, Nov. 8, Arlington voters will vote on $165.01 million in school bonds to improve and upgrade existing school infrastructure. The school bonds support projects to maintain and update APS school facilities to meet the changing needs of students and the community. The projects included in the 2022 School Bond Referendum are:

– Major infrastructure projects that include the Escuela Key roof replacement, Hoffman-Boston HVAC replacement, and LED lighting upgrades at various sites.

– Entrance security vestibules and kitchen renovations at 24 school buildings.

– The modernization of the Arlington Career Center to construct a modern facility to support student learning for full-time Arlington Career Center (ACC) students and students from all APS high schools enrolled in Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses at ACC.

For additional information visit the 2022 School Bond Referendum webpage.

students performing the work of Poe
3. The Poe Garden
Program at Kenmore Middle School
Kenmore Middle School Theater teacher Dawn Hunter partnered with the Glencarlyn Library to revitalize The Poe Garden program at the Glencarlyn community garden. Students from theater classes dressed in period costumes and read excerpts from the writings of Edgar Allen Poe, as guests strolled through the gardens. The Glencarlyn community garden is a teaching garden maintained by the Master Gardeners of Northern Virginia.

2023 MLK Jr. Arts Contest
Submit Your Creations for the 2023 MLK Arts Contest!
Arlington Public Schools students are invited to take part in the annual “Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Literary and Visual Arts Contest.” The prompt this year is to “describe a time where you saw someone treated unfairly because of what they looked like or who they were; OR an event in history where people were treated unfairly because of what they looked like or who they were.” Entries are due by 5 p.m. Fri, Nov. 18. You can download the entry form and learn more online.

APS VA All Stars
5. Congrats to APS All Stars for October!
The Superintendent and a team of School & Community Relations staff surprised five employees with the APS All Star award for October. This monthly recognition program awards staff who go above and beyond to serve students and schools. There have been over 200 entries this school year, and we were thrilled to receive many nominations from students.  Congratulations to:

Latoya Hill, Administrative Assistant at Tuckahoe
Eileen Gardner, Principal at Nottingham
Catherine Ackleson, Instructional Assistant at Cardinal
Joshua Bruno, Teacher at Swanson
Daniel Castillo, Specialist at Arlington Community High School

Read what makes these stars shine and nominate an All Star staff member today!   

Other News & Notes

There is no school on Mon, Oct. 24 in observance of Diwali. Learn more

Attention Fifth Grade Families: Middle School Information Night is Oct. 25

AOVP Family Support Night Flyer | Oct. 26 – Add to Calendar

Updated bivalent COVID-19 boosters are now available for 5-11-year-olds. Find a location to get your boosters at