Friday 5 for March 24, 2023

Friday 5 header image

student artwork

1. Several APS Students Receive National Scholastic Art Awards
More than 260,000 works of art and writing were entered into the 2023 Scholastic Awards. Nearly 2,000 works received National Medals this year and only 8 portfolios were awarded Gold nationally. Wakefield senior Marceline Castrillon received the first National Gold for Portfolio for APS, which included a scholarship. View the entire list of winners and their artwork online.


honorzed citzens around aps logo

2. APS Announces 2023 Honored Citizens

Since 1975, the Board has established the memorable tradition of recognizing special volunteers who have made extraordinary contributions to APS. The Honored Citizen Award recognizes the countless hours—over many years—that community members spend dedicating their time to a wide variety of school activities and supporting our students and staff. For 2023, the School Board has named three outstanding volunteers as Honored Citizens:
– Janna Dressel
– Dr. Rick Jackson
– Carmina Sinani
The Board will recognize the 2023 Honored Citizens at the April 27 School Board Meeting. Read more online.

student artwork

3. Congratulations to Arlington’s 2022-23 Reflections Contest Winners
Each year, the Arlington County Council of Parent Teacher Associations (PTAs) highlights the many talents of Arlington students in the annual Reflections contest. Reflections is a nationwide arts contest that encourages students to create works in dance choreography, film production, literature, musical composition, photography and visual arts, based on a common theme. Visit our website to see the complete list of Arlington’s 2022-23 Reflections winners.


student talking to adult about feelings

4. Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Screener for Grades 3-12 Coming Next Month

Beginning April 24, APS will conduct a universal SEL screener for students in grades 3-12. The screener collects information about students’ SEL skills and well-being and the results will be used to support our student’s academic, social and emotional growth. Families can opt out by Wed, March 29 if they do not wish for their student to participate. Individual schools will be setting a specific date for the screeners during a three-week period. More information is available online.

website user testing logo

5. Volunteers Wanted: Test the Refreshed APS Website

The refreshed APS website is coming in July 2023. Our developers are nearing the end of building the new functionality so that we can move into user testing. We need your help! If you would like to help us test the site, please fill out this form to sign up to be a website tester.
– In-Person User Test: There will be an in-person event on Thu, April 13 at the Arlington Career Center. This is a drop-in event; you may come at any time from 4-7 p.m. to complete the approximately 15-minute user test.
– Online User Test: The user test will also be available as an online activity from April 13-21, if you prefer to complete it at your convenience.

Other News & Notes

National Walking Day – WalkArlington

After April 30: All Students Must Have iRide Card to ride the ART Bus for Free. Learn More