Two New School Principal Searches
Drew Model Elementary School — Deadline is Today
Today –Thursday, Feb. 8—is the deadline for staff, students, parents and community members to complete a questionnaire as part of the search for a principal to lead the new elementary school at Drew, which will open as a full neighborhood school in September 2019. Share your thoughts on the opportunities and challenges with opening a new school, and the attributes and characteristics desired in a principal to lead this school. The questionnaire is available online in English and Spanish, and printed copies can be obtained in Amharic and Mongolian from any school Bilingual Family Liaison Resource Assistant. For more information, the questionnaire and a timeline for this principal search, visit
Middle School at Stratford Search
Community input is critical as APS begins the search for a principal to lead the new middle school at Stratford, which will open in September 2019. A questionnaire is available for staff, students, parents and community members to share thoughts on the opportunities and challenges with opening a new school, and the attributes and characteristics desired in a principal to lead this school. This form is available in English and Spanish through February 20, 2018. For the questionnaire and a timeline for this principal search, visit For information about the new middle school boundaries to begin in September 2019, visit
Elementary School Planning Initiative
To prepare for the opening of the new Fleet Elementary School and Drew Elementary as a full neighborhood school in 2019, and a new elementary school at the Reed site in 2021, staff will develop two proposals to create new school attendance zones and balance enrollment across elementary schools. One proposal will only adjust boundaries and the second proposal will adjust boundaries and recommend sites for neighborhood and option schools based on resident student data. This may result in a neighborhood school site becoming an option school site, and vice versa. The School Board will take action on this initiative in Spring 2018, and on new elementary school boundaries in Fall 2018.
Staff is working with PTAs and Civic Associations to form Task Groups for each elementary school site that will gather community input about school walk zones and identify areas where the walk zones could possibly be expanded safely. The task groups are asked to conduct neighborhood walking tours within the one-mile policy zones, gather thoughts and suggestions from community members, and share community input with staff at work sessions that will take place over the next 4-6 weeks. During this process, community members can provide input to the task groups and staff in person, via online questionnaires, and by writing to For more information and a schedule for this initiative, visit
APS Fiscal Year 2019 Budget
The Superintendent will present the proposed FY2019 budget at the School Board meeting beginning at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 22, in the Education Center (1426 N. Quincy St.). To watch live, visit