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Engage Updates for Sept. 14: Fall Elementary Boundary Process; Work Session on the Strategic Plan; and the CCWG Report

The Fall 2018 Elementary School Boundary Process 
The Fall 2018 Elementary School Boundary Process will include Abingdon, Barcroft, Drew, Fleet (Henry), Hoffman-Boston, Long Branch, Oakridge, and Randolph, with new boundaries taking effect for the 2019-20 school year. Due to the opening in September 2019 of the Alice W. Fleet Elementary School and the new neighborhood school at Drew (as the Montessori program moves to Henry), APS has begun the process to adjust elementary school boundaries to create attendance zones and balance enrollment across several schools. The School Board will vote on new elementary school boundaries on Dec. 6, 2018. For a timeline of community engagement opportunities and more information, visit aps2016.apsva.us/elementary-school-boundary-change/.

School Board Work Session on the 2018-24 Strategic Plan
Community members can view the Sept. 11 School Board Work Session on the 2018-24 Strategic Plan at aps2016.apsva.us/school-board-meetings/school-board-work-sessions-meetings/. A Steering Committee of Arlington residents, APS staff and students led the development of the 2018-24 Strategic Plan and gathered community input during the 2017-18 school year. The plan defines the mission, vision and core values, and articulates our community’s goals and aspirations for students, staff, and APS as a whole. For more information, visit aps2016.apsva.us/strategic-plan/.

Career Center Working Group Report
The Career Center Working Group (CCWG) has issued its final report on a plan for additional high school seats at the Career Center, available at aps2016.apsva.us/career-center/ccwg-follow-journey/career-center-working-group-presentations/. The CCWG was charged by the School Board and County Board with developing a plan that defines how APS can open 700‐800+ additional seats at the Career Center. The Chair of the CCWG, Kathleen McSweeney, will present the recommendations to the School Board on Oct. 4 and to the County Board on October 24. For more information, visit aps2016.apsva.us/career-center/ccwg-follow-journey/.

More News in News Release

Arlington Public Schools to Participate Summer Meals Program

Arlington Public Schools is participating in the Summer Food Service Program. Meals will be provided to students ages 18 and under on a first come, first serve basis, from July 5-Aug. 1 at Carlin Springs Elementary School (5995 5th Road S.).

School Board Appoints Principal of Arlington Science Focus Elementary School

At its June 22 meeting, the Arlington School Board appointed Gina Miller as Principal of Arlington Science Focus Elementary School. 

School Board Appoints Principal of Claremont Immersion Elementary School

At its June 22 meeting, the Arlington School Board appointed Dr. Liza Burrell-Aldana as Principal of Claremont Immersion Elementary School.