Engage Update Oct. 21, 2021

Fall 2021 Boundary Process Community Engagement

Community engagement for the Fall 2021 Boundary Process is currently ongoing. The community is able to provide feedback on the boundary proposals and learn more about the boundary process during the scheduled community meetings. The community will also have the opportunity to engage directly with staff during the two upcoming virtual office hours engagement sessions to understand the rationale behind the boundary proposals and to share feedback.

The Fall 2021 Boundary Process is limited in scope and is focused on boundary refinements to provide enrollment relief to three schools for the 2022-23 school year. The three schools that will receive relief from the boundary refinements are Abingdon Elementary School, Gunston Middle School, and Wakefield High School. The boundary process will bring enrollment at these three schools to more manageable levels for the 2022-23 school year by reassigning some planning units from Abingdon to Dr. Charles R. Drew, Gunston to Jefferson, and Wakefield to Washington-Liberty.

The community is encouraged to participate in one of the scheduled community engagement sessions to provide feedback on the boundary process or by emailing engage@apsva.us. All emails sent to Engage with APS! regarding the boundary process are shared with staff for review and consideration. The feedback received from the community during the community engagement window will be used to refine the proposals presented to the School Board at the work session on November 3. The School Board will have a public hearing on the Fall 2021 Boundary Process on November 30 and will act on the Superintendent’s Proposed Boundary Adjustments for the 2022-23 School Year at the Dec. 2, 2021 meeting.

The recordings and presentations from previous Fall 2021 Boundary Process Community Meetings are currently available online. Information on the proposals and the community engagement schedule are available on the Fall 2021 Boundary Process webpage.

2022-23 School Year Calendar Survey

APS is seeking input from students, staff, families, and community members related to the development of the 2022-23 School Year Calendar. The calendar survey is available to be completed online now until Friday, Oct, 29, 2021. There are two calendar options available for the community to review. Both calendar options have a school start date prior to Labor Day and include a two-week winter break. The School Board is tentatively scheduled to act on the 2022-23 School Year Calendar at the December 16, 2021 School Board Meeting. For additional information on the 2022-23 School Year Calendar or to complete the calendar survey, visit the Development of the 2022-23 School Year Calendar webpage.

Upcoming Events:

  • October 21 – Boundary Process Virtual Community Meeting #4
  • October 25 – Middle School Information Night (Virtual)
  • October 26 – Boundary Process Virtual Open Office Hours #1
  • October 28 – Boundary Process Virtual Open Office Hours #2
  • October 28 – School Board Meeting
  • November 1 – High School Information Night (Virtual)
  • November 3 – School Board Work Session on the Proposed Boundary Adjustments for the 2022-23 School Year