Engage Update Oct. 14, 2021

Join the School Board Meeting Tonight at 7 p.m.

At tonight’s School Board Meeting, the School Board will take action on the Internal Audit Plan, School Board FY2023 Budget Direction, and the Heights Building Phase 2 Architecture and Engineering Services. The Amazon “Think Big Space” at Wakefield High School and School Board Direction on the Superintendent’s Proposed FY2023-32 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) will be presented as information items. The APS Responses to Student Behaviors and Virtual Learning Program (VLP) Update will be presented as monitoring items. The full agenda is available online. School Board meetings can be viewed live online, on Comcast Cable Channel 70, or Verizon FiOS Channel 41.

Fall 2021 Boundary Process Community Engagement

The fall 2021 boundary process will be limited in scope and focused on refinements to provide enrollment relief to three schools for the 2022-23 school year. The three schools that will receive relief from the boundary refinements are Abingdon Elementary School, Gunston Middle School, and Wakefield High School. The boundary process will bring enrollment at these three schools to more manageable levels for the 2022-23 school year by reassigning some planning units from Abingdon to Dr. Charles R. Drew, Gunston to Jefferson, and Wakefield to Washington-Liberty.

Community engagement for the fall 2021 boundary process begins this week and will continue through Oct. 31. During the community engagement sessions, families can learn about the proposed changes and ask questions. Staff will engage directly with the families affected by the boundary process to ensure they are aware of the proposals for the upcoming boundary process and to gather information to aid in the planning process. Staff will directly notify families at the schools included in the process tomorrow, Oct. 15 The School Board will act on the Superintendent’s Proposal for Boundary Adjustment for the 2022-23 School Year at the Dec. 2, 2021 meeting.

Information on the proposals and the community engagement schedule are available on the Fall 2021 Boundary Process webpage.

Upcoming Events:

  • October 14 – School Board Meeting
  • October 16 – Boundary Process Virtual Community Meeting #1
  • October 19 – Boundary Process Virtual Community Meeting #2
  • October 19 – School Board Work Session on Homework and Communication of Student Progress
  • October 19 – Boundary Process Virtual Community Meeting #3 (Spanish Only)
  • October 25 – Middle School Information Night (Virtual)