APS News Release

“Engage with APS” Launched to Support Community Engagement

Engage with APSOn Feb. 2, APS introduced a new “Engage with APS” section of the website, that will make it easier to find information about current community engagement opportunities and provide feedback. Community input and coordinated collaboration is a vital part of the process as APS continues to grow and make decisions that will positively shape the future for our students.

Superintendent Dr. Murphy provided an overview of the new webpage at the School Board meeting, and invited the community to share their feedback and suggestions for this new feature after visiting the website. You can find “Engage with APS” in the top menu of the APS website, and as the first link under “Quick Links” on all school homepages. This new section includes:

  • A list of current opportunities for engagement
  • Links to separate web pages with more detailed information about each process
  • A consolidated calendar of all meetings and events related to the engagement processes
  • A single feedback form with a drop-down list to designate the topic for your question or comments.

The direct link to “bookmark” the website is aps2016.apsva.us/engage/.

Other ways to “Engage with APS”

  • APS will be using the hashtag #EngageAPS on social media to flag news or upcoming activities related to the engagement processes. Use the hashtag #EngageAPS to ask questions and share opinions as well.
  • Community members can also email engage@apsva.us
  • Contact APS directly at 703-228-6310 to ask a question or leave a message.