Early Literacy Partnership between GMU and APS Featured on Snapshots

In this week’s episode, Snapshots features an early literacy initiative that is the culmination of a partnership between APS and George Mason University. The recently-completed program provided professional learning to primary grade teachers. Over 300 administrators and teachers participated in four full professional learning days across the year focused on early literacy development with an emphasis on meeting the needs of struggling readers with learning disabilities and English language learners.

The partnership was unique in that teams of administrators and teachers including classroom, ESOL/HILT, Special Education, and reading participated together with building administrators and GMU instructors. Teachers also implemented practices in the classroom and were afforded the opportunity for instructor-led coaching through video lesson plans and written feedback.

“APS Snapshots” is a three-to-five minute cable program highlighting student, teacher or school achievements, or featuring important, up-to-date information on a variety of topics. You can see “APS Snapshots” on Comcast Cable Channel 70 and Verizon FiOS Channel 41. “Snapshots” airs at 7:00 Monday – Friday, and may run at additional times as scheduling allows. “Snapshots” can also be viewed on YouTube at AETVapsAPS Snapshots is filmed and produced by the Arlington Educational Television Department (AETV) in cooperation with the Arlington Public Schools Department of School and Community Relations. For more information about a program or segment, please call 703-228-6005 or fill out our online form.

“APS Snapshots” is a three-to-five minute cable program highlighting student, teacher or school achievements, or featuring important, up-to-date information on a variety of topics.

You can see “APS Snapshots” on Comcast Cable Channel 70 and Verizon FiOS Channel 41. “Snapshots” airs at 7:00 Monday – Friday, and may run at additional times as scheduling allows. “Snapshots” can also be viewed on YouTube at AETVaps.

APS Snapshots is filmed and produced by the Arlington Educational Television Department (AETV) in cooperation with the Arlington Public Schools Department of School and Community Relations. For more information about a program or segment, please call 703-228-6005 or fill out our online form.