Community Engagement Opportunities – September 2020

Dear Friends of APS,
The 2020-21 School Year will begin in one week, on Sept. 8. We are starting in full-time distance learning mode until it is safe to begin to phase our students and staff back into the classroom.

Donate Supplies to Students in Need Today 
Some of you have asked how you can help. You can purchase school supplies for families in need  by Sept. 13. Details are available on the APS  website. You can donate directly using  this link. Supply kits will be shipped directly to APS. Thank you for all the generous offers of support from our community.

Upcoming APS Community Engagement Opportunities: (Virtual until further notice)

This week:
Th. Sep. 3       Arlington Public Schools and  School Resource OfficersWork Session 
6:30 p.m.         Watch Work Sessions  live online  or on Comcast Channel 70 or Verizon Ch. 41.

Next week:
Th. Sep. 10    School Board Meeting: The Board presents their proposed School Board 2020-21 Action Plan . Superintendent presents  Return-to-School  Status Update. Action on Revised  School Calendar.
7:00 p.m. Watch School Board meetings  live online, on Comcast Channel 70 or Verizon Ch. 41.

This month:
Th. Sep. 24     School Board Meeting:  Superintendent presents  Return-to-School  Status Update. The Board will adopt their  School Board 2020-21 Action Plan.
7:00 p.m.         Watch School Board meetings  live online  or on Comcast Ch. 70 or Verizon Ch. 41.

Arlington Community events:
Sep. 9     County Board / School Board Candidate Forum, hosted by  Arlington Committee of 100
7 – 8:30 p.m.   Register here.

How to Donate  School Supplies  to Students in Need. Details are available on the APS  website  and you can donate directly  using  this link.  Supply kits will be shipped directly to APS.  Thank you for all the generous offers of support from our community.

2020 Census: It is not too late to complete your  2020 Census form online,  by mail,  or by phone at 1-844-330-2020 (en español 1-844-468-2020).

Arlington Community Resources: 
– Arlington County offers food, financial and medical assistance resources. For food, call 703-228-1300.
- SCAN of Northern Virginia  shares  Covid-19 resources for families.

Visit  for more community engagement opportunities,  School Board calendar,  Arlington County’s Engage calendar.

Hope you and your loved ones are staying safe.

Dulce Carrillo
Coordinator of Community Engagement  |  School and Community Relations