
Partners in Action Highlights Life Decisions 101

In this episode, Partners in Action features a partnership between IFS Consulting Group LLC that sponsors Life Decisions 101 and Jefferson Middle School.

#digitalAPS Highlights Hour of Code

In this episode, #digitalAPS: Exploring Instructional Frontiers takes a look at student participation in the global Hour of Code event that took place in December.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Video Tribute

Prepare to be inspired by the reflections of students whose winning essays, poems, and works of art pay tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Watch a debut of the video that highlights the winners of the annual Literary and Visual Arts Contest, who were selected from more than 1,300 entries.

Red Top Cab Featured on Partners in Action

In this episode, Partners in Action features a unique partnership between a community based company, Red Top Cab and Arlington Science Focus School.

Word! Summer Literacy Academy Documentary

Word! Summer Literacy Academy Documentary produced by Arlington Educational Television follows a group of students through the Summer Literacy Academy and highlights classroom instruction that culminated in a live poetry reading at Busboys & Poet.

Digital Resource Fair Featured on #digitalAPS

In this episode of #digitalAPS: Exploring Instructional Frontiers, teachers explore how technology can support the individual needs of learners at the digital resource fair.

Green Scene Features Taylor’s Outdoor Classroom

In this week’s episode, Green Scene talks with students and staff about Taylor Elementary School’s Outdoor Classroom which was recently built with the help of Dominion Virginia Power.