Thank you for being part of our APS family and for all you do throughout the year to support our school community.
APS Snapshots
Happy Thanksgiving! A Special Message from the Superintendent
Snapshots Recognizes School Psychologists
This week is School Psychology Awareness Week and we are celebrating the amazing job that our school psychologists do every single day.
APS Snapshots: Harvesting Dreams for Our Children
The excitement of Hispanic Heritage Month culminated in the Harvesting Dreams for Our Children event.
APS Snapshots: Dyslexia – A Difference, not a Disability
APS held its second Dyslexia Conference on Saturday, October 13, to educate families and staff on effective strategies to support students with Dyslexia.
Snapshots: Inside Drew
This week’s Snapshots is all about Drew Model School and the people and programs at the heart of the school.
Snapshots: Inside Hoffman-Boston
Take a look inside Hoffman-Boston Elementary School!
Snapshots Features Legacy Mural at Long Branch
In this episode of Snapshots, Superintendent Dr. Pat Murphy talks with Long Branch Elementary School students and staff about their legacy mural.
Superintendent Teaches Oakridge Students about Beekeeping
In this episode of Snapshots, Superintendent Dr. Pat Murphy teaches Oakridge Elementary School students about bee keeping.
First Annual Engineering Night Featured on Snapshots
In this week’s episode, Snapshots features the first annual Engineer Night held last month.
Snapshots Highlights Substance Abuse Counselors
In this week’s episode, Snapshots highlights the role of Substance Abuse Counselors in schools.