
Parent Resource Center Weekly Message: 4.13.21

April 13, 2021 Greetings from the Parent Resource Center. We are looking forward to welcoming Dr. Jamell White from the National Institute of Mental Health this evening at 7pm. Dr. […]

Community Engagement Opportunities – April 2021

We hope you are enjoying the arrival of spring. See below opportunities to engage in APS processes. Thank you for helping APS ensure our mission of student success. Upcoming APS […]

Mensaje semanal del superintendente, del 6 de abril

Espero que todos ustedes hayan disfrutado de unas vacaciones de primavera relajantes, seguras y de descanso la semana pasada. A medida que reanudamos la instrucción esta semana, quiero tomar un […]

Parent Resource Center Monday Message: 4.5.21

Good evening, and welcome back from Spring Break! We hope you all had a pleasant, relaxing and restorative spring break week. As we return to greet a new month, April […]

Community Engagement Opportunities – March/April

APS is delighted that last week we welcomed back all remaining students who selected hybrid/in-person instruction. We continue to follow guidelines with a focus on the health and safety of students […]

Саяхан болсон үйл явдалд АНС-ийн өгөх хариу ба Манай Ази гаралтай Америкчуудын Нийгэмлэгийн дэмжлэг

Арлингтон Нийтийн Сургуулиуд арьс өнгөний үзэл, үзэн ядалт, алагчлал, ялгаварлан гадуурхлын бүх илэрхийллийг буруушаадаг билээ. Энэ долоо хоногийн эхэнд Атлантад үйлдэгдсэн аймшигт зэсвэгт халдлага бол КОВИД-19 цар тахал эхэлсэн өдрөөс […]

Mensaje de regreso a la escuela del 23 de marzo del superintendente

A medida que nos dirigimos a las vacaciones de primavera, la próxima semana, quiero darles las gracias a todos, nuestros increíbles estudiantes, familias y personal, por su asociación y su constante adhesión a las estrategias de mitigación.

Parent Resource Center Monday Message: 3.22.21

March 22, 2021 SEPTA AWARDS Earlier today, Arlington’s Special Education PTA (Arlington SEPTA) announced that it is welcoming nominations for its annual Excellence in Supporting Special Education Awards. Nominations must […]