School Board news release

School Board Reviews 2016-17 Priorities

At last night’s meeting, School Board members discussed their priorities for the 2016-17 school year. The School Board establishes annual priorities to assist in keeping the Board’s work focused, effective and aligned with its Strategic Plan goals.

School Board Receives Academic Performance Update

At Thursday night’s School Board meeting, staff presented an update on academic performance at APS. Dr. Tara Nattrass, Assistant Superintendent of Instruction, provided a summary of the recent data on student performance on the 2016 Standards of Learning (SOL) test results in reading, math, science and social studies.

School Board Approves Licensing Agreement with County for the Wilson Site

The School Board approved a licensing agreement between Arlington County Government and APS for the Wilson site. The licensing agreement would authorize the County to locate a temporary fire station at the Wilson site, where a school will be constructed and is scheduled to open in September 2019.

County, APS Collaborate on Western Rosslyn Area Plan

The Arlington County and Arlington Public Schools boards, collaborating to maximize the use of limited public land and leverage financial resources, will consider a license agreement that will allow the County to place a temporary fire station on the Wilson School site at 1601 Wilson Blvd.

Nancy Van Doren to Chair School Board

During its annual organizational meeting on July 1, 2016, the Arlington School Board elected Nancy Van Doren to serve as chair for the 2016-17 school year.