School Board news release

Summary of the August 17 School Board Meeting

At the start of the Arlington School Board meeting on Thursday, August 17, 2017, the Board observed a Moment of Silence to remember the lives of Heather Heyer, Virginia State Patrol Pilot, Lt. H. Jay Cullen, and Virginia State Trooper Berke Bates, as well as the many others who were physically or emotionally injured by the violence in Charlottesville last weekend.

Arlington School Board Responds to the Recent Events in Charlottesville

At the beginning of the Arlington School Board meeting on Thursday, August 17, 2017, the Board observed a Moment of Silence to remember the lives of Heather Heyer, Virginia State Patrol Pilot, Lt. H. Jay Cullen, and Virginia State Trooper Berke Bates, as well as the many others who were physically or emotionally injured by the violence in Charlottesville last weekend.

School Board Makes New Appointments

The School Board made several appointments during its meeting last night. Those appointments included:

School Board Approves Options for High School Seats

The Arlington School Board approved the Superintendent’s recommendation to provide 1,300 additional high school seats, which includes renovation of the Education Center building to provide 500-600+ seats, and adding to the Career Center to provide 700-800+ seats (to be known as Career Center Phase 2).

Summary of the June 29 School Board Meeting

At its last meeting for the 2016-17 School Year, the Arlington School Board approved the Superintendent’s recommendation to provide 1,300 additional high school seats, to include renovation of the Education Center building to provide 500-600+ seats, and adding to the Career Center to provide 700-800+ seats.